Trip Planning Service
Go to New York City or L.A. with out a map and an idea of where you’re going to stay? You’ve got to be kidding! Right? When venturing into new territory, especially an area as large and remote as we serve, knowing what lies around the corner can make the difference between an enjoyable wilderness adventure and a nightmare you would just as soon forget. After all there are no phones around the next bend in the river (unless you’ve rented one of our satellite phones) Our trip planning will show you all the features you will need to know for a safe, fun, interesting and enjoyable trip. Features include portages, rapids, campsites, historical sites, beaches, cliffs, geological points of interest, areas of frequent animal sightings and of course fish species for each lake complete with some of our favourite fishing holes.
Pre-trip Route Consultations – no charge
Complete route plan and lay out including annotated topo map – $35 per map (average two per trip)
Topographic & Park Maps
For those not interested in our trip planning service we do carry a full range of topographic maps covering Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, Atikaki Park, Opasquia Provincial Park and all of northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba.
Rates below do not include shipping and handling
Topographic maps only – $11.00 US each
Woodland Caribou Park Map $13.00 US each
Opasquia Park Map Available soon
Statement of Responsibility | Booking and Damage Deposit | Tax Outline
Please note – Our rates on this site are listed in US dollars and “without taxes included”.